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Post Info TOPIC: Elida Football


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Elida Football

What will they do this year

-- Edited by LF Sports News at 17:28, 2006-07-24



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Posts: 13

Who knows!  All I know is that they should be looking to the future!  They have a sophomore who was rated second in his age group at the University of Michigan football camp at QB, and they don't have him playing QB.  Makes no sense to me, but maybe they are thinking something else.  I would follow what the coaches at UM say and put him back there now to develop the talent around him for the next two years.  They have some decent teams coming up, but somehow most of those kids don't stay with it all the way because of soccer (soccer is bigger than football over there).  But they did beat LCC last year, and the t-birds went 9-1.  They have a guy coaching younger kids who played at Kent State (Maurice is his name) and he is developing some players out of that young group, so when they get to the high school, they should change the climate at Elida.  Change is good and they have gone through a huge facelift recently in athletics.  We'll see if they can handle it.

Middle shool girls basketball coach, AAU boys basketball coach, camp instructor.
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