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Post Info TOPIC: Lima Sr High vs Celina

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Lima Sr High vs Celina

What will this year be like, who has the better team?????????????

LF Sports


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Lima Senior has the better team.  Lima Senior will almost always have the better team.  The question is will they call a game that throws Celina off base or run a predictable offense and give Celina a chance to believe that they can win.  You have to jump on teams like that quick or they will develop confidence and then mess around and beat you!  They will be hyped to play in Celina though.  We'll see!

Middle shool girls basketball coach, AAU boys basketball coach, camp instructor.

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Lima need to bring there a game...cause they been bring there c game

LF Sports


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Yeah, more like C- game.  But the battle of the line will determine who does what.  If Lima can block, they will win.  If not, they may get beat.  We'll see!

Work hard for what you want, or you really don't want it!

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Well we will see if Lima will bring there a or c game, it's that time....

LF Sports

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Lima got a big  win down 24-6 in the 4th and come back and win 26 to 24

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