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Post Info TOPIC: Lima midget football

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Lima midget football

Whats going with it

LF Sports


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Posts: 20

I don't know, but I hope they aren't betting on games this season.  Just coach the kids.  WHoever is the best, gues what?  They're the best!  That's it.  It doesn't mean they have the best coaches or the most heart or the best parent support, or the best talent or the best play-calling or the best schedule.  But if you can get the best combination of those things, you usually can chalk up a championship.  But if I believe my team has that, I don't have to put my money where my mouth is to prove how much I believe it.  We're still raising kids here.  Let's do a better job of getting them to continue their playing career after midget instead of concnetrating on midget so much that the kids feel it is the ultimate football experience for them.  Nobody gets a scholarship based on what they did in midget! 

Work hard for what you want, or you really don't want it!
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